Are you unsure whether you should go for a herringbone or whalebone floor? We, from, dived into the differences between these two types of flooring especially for you and share all the information with you in this blog. What exactly is the difference between herringbone and whalebone floors? You can read it in this blog!
What is whalebone?
Whalebone has not only been given a funny name compared to the regular herringbone. There is also a logic hidden in the name. Whalebone can be seen as the bigger brother of the herringbone floors. This title owes whalebone to the difference that we will explain further in point 1, namely the difference in size.
Similarity between herringbone and whalebone
Incidentally, it might also be nice to first mention a similarity between herringbone and whalebone. Both floors are available in PVC as laminate flooring. Herringbone PVC versus Whalebone PVC and Herringbone Laminate versus Whalebone Laminate. If you would like the benefits of PVC, you naturally choose this. Would you like a floor that you can lay yourself in the desired space? Then you choose laminate.

The differences between herringbone and whalebone
Time to dive into the specific differences between these two types of flooring. It is nice to have the differences between herringbone and whalebone at a glance when you have to make your choice between these floors. We have divided the differences into 5 different points. At it is also possible to view these floors in real life and lay them next to each other. Make an appointment to visit our showroom. Then you can judge the differences yourself in real life!
1. Size of individual shelves
As just as subtly indicated, the biggest difference between the herringbone and whalebone floors is clearly the size of the individual planks within these floors. Not only does the size differ per plank, but also the complete appearance of the type of flooring as a whole. Herringbone has smaller boards and therefore generally seems somewhat pressing. Whalebone has larger planks and can therefore have an optical effect on the space where the floor will be located. A whalebone can make a floor feel larger than the room actually is. However, it is advisable not to install whalebone floors in too small spaces because you will be able to achieve very few points and will have a lot of cutting loss.
2. Colours and appearance
A logical difference is of course the colors and appearances of the floors. Although this does not always have to be the case. For example, when we look at the floors of the brand VTWONEN within our range, we see that these colors are very similar between the different types of floors. However, there are differences between herringbone and whalebone and also clear popular color schemes. When we look at the Whalebone PVC, the Floer Whalebone PVC Orca Untreated and the Floer Whalebone PVC Baleen Beige are the most popular colorways. The counterpart of this within the Whalebone Laminate is Floer Whalebone Laminate Livyatan Light. And also at the Herringbone there are several popular floors.

3. Mat, matter, matst
The finish is also a difference between the floor types. Where one mat is finished, the other may be extra matt finished. Not a huge difference, but something you want to take into account when making the choice. How matt do you want your floor?
4. Structures to feel
When we look at the range of the brand Floer there are also differences between the types of herringbone and whalebone in the type of structure that is applied to the floors. With herringbone PVC, for example, it is possible to feel the structure, but also to see. What you feel corresponds to what you see through the register embossing structure that is applied to these shelves. Our advice is to pay close attention to this when making your choice. When we look at the range Vivafloors Whalebone there is no difference between the straight strips, herringbone floors and the whalebone range.
5. Busy or less crowded floor
Very popular floors and laying patterns are therefore herringbone, Hungarian point and whalebone floors, but why is the whalebone floor gaining more and more ground? This is partly because a whalebone floor has fewer herringbone points in the floor and therefore looks a lot calmer than, for example, herringbone or Hungarian point floors. The whalebone floorboards are more spacious and therefore there are fewer points to be seen in the floor. So do you want to go for a quiet appearance in your home and do you find the other options just a little too busy? Then whalebone is what you want.

See, experience and experience Solza floors? Which can!
Would you like to see, experience and experience your future floor before you make a purchase? That's possible at Solza! In Alphen aan den Rijn we have put together a showroom for you where you can look at the possibilities and benefits of our various products to your heart's content. Try walking across the floor in our showroom to experience this or see how the floor you have in mind does with a certain light. In addition, there is always an expert present in our showroom who can help you answer any questions and who is happy to provide you with useful advice. This way you can be sure of your purchase. So nice!