Floorify Plank Click PVC Popcorn F056
Onze prijs per m2
2.6 m2 per pakket.
€41,95 | |
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Prijs: €41,95

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Volgens onze specialist!
- Floorify rigide vinyl vloeren zijn schok- en vlekbestendig. Mét extra dikke beschermlaag, een innovatieve toplaag met anti-vlektechnologie en de unieke Floorify Rigid Core voor een stabiele, sterke en stevige kern.
- De slimme combinatie van de geluidsabsorberende Floorify rigide vinyl vloer en Comfort-ondervloer creëert een heerlijk zacht loopvlak én een akoestische laag.
- Floorify is combineerbaar met zowel vloerverwarming als vloerkoeling.
- Vloeren van Floorify zijn enkel beschikbaar in click PVC.
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Are you sure that you get a quality floor in your home? Then a Floorify floor is recommended. If desired, all Floorify floors can be experienced in real life in our showroom. All Floorify floors are delivered to your home free of charge.
Advantages of a Floorify floor
Floorify rigid PVC floors are shock and stain resistant. With extra thick protective layer, an innovative top layer with anti-stain technology and the unique Floorify Rigid Core for a stable, strong and sturdy core.
Also , these floors are the renovation floor par excellence. They are thin, strong and can therefore be clicked onto almost any surface, without preparation. Yes, even about those old, ugly tiles. Do you want to hear even more benefits of Floorify flooring? Please contact our specialist or visit our showroom.
In addition, these floors are water resistant. Not a little, but completely. Let your living space, bathroom and bedroom flow seamlessly into each other. The clever combination of the sound-absorbing Floorify rigid PVC floor and Comfort or Performance subfloor creates a wonderfully soft tread and an acoustic layer.
Which Floorify subfloor to choose?
For floorify floors, we advise you to use the subfloor that Floorify offers. By using this subfloor you not only assure yourself of the best possible result, these subfloors are also necessary for maintaining the manufacturer's warranty. The matching subfloors for this floor are the;
Easy to lay yourself
Do you want to get started with a Floorify floor yourself? Then it is relatively easy to lay these floors yourself. Not only are the floors very user-friendly and equipped with a simple click system, the planks are also easy to make to measure with a stanley knife. There are also countless instructional videos available. Take a look at the Youtube channel Solza TV. We are happy to share tips & tricks for installing a Floorify click PVC floor. So easy!
*De minimale afname voor onze vloeren is 10m2. Voldoet de bestelling hier niet aan? Dan kan het zijn dat wij een kleine order toeslag in rekening brengen.